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Photo Rice Ladle published.

On old, beat up ladle sits on an open bag of rice. The rice is measured and packed there on the spot and different types are on display.

Album A Old Market in Shanghai published.

Markets like these are al over Shanghai. The largest part of the population is shopping here for meat, fish, vegetables, fruit and rice. There is no ...

Photo Haircut in Shaxi published.

An old man is sitting on his veranda in the village of Shaxi in Yunnan, giving himself a haircut with a mechanical cutter. The light glitters on the ...

Photo Peasant Woman in Shaxi published.

The market day was winding down and the people from the country side were packing up to go home. This lady seemed undaunted by the prospects of a long ...

Photo Peasant in Shaxi published.

An older peasant is sitting in on the door step of a restaurant, smoking cigarette stubs given to him by the patrons.
This image presented itself ...

Photo Old Jeep in Beijing published.

An old jeep is parking in a side street in Beijing. This image is shot as high dynamic range and is more of an exploration of that space. I am thinking ...

Blog entry Old Sites posted.

Early on, I had created a couple of simple sites for specific trips that I did. I just resurrected them and made them for sentimental value. Have look ...

Photo Tying Steel published.

Two workers are busy with some more steel, this time shot in back light, against the pillars of concrete already done.

I like the eyes and the ...

Photo Wheel Barrow published.

An old rusty wheel barrow sits in a field of debris. The morning sun lights it up, as in the distance workers are braiding steel for another piece ...

Photo Scaffold Silhouette published.

Hard at work in the scaffolds, workers appear as black outlines against the morning sky. Only one is lit enough to make out the details and colors ...